Vision & Mission


To be an excellent research Islamic university based on unity of science for humanity and civilization in 2038.


  1. Conducting education and learning of science and technology based on unity of science for generating professional alumni with akhlakul karimah (good manner).
  2. Strengthening the quality of research for the best interest of Islam, science and society
  3. Delivering services and community development.
  4. Exploring, developing and implementing local wisdoms.
  5. Developing partnership with various institutions at regional, national, and international level.
  6. Achieving professional management performance in accordance with international standard.


  1. Generating professional alumni with academic capacities and noble characters who are able to implement and develop the unity of science.
  2. Developing research and community services to enhance the quality of life of the community as Muslims and Indonesian citizens.
  3. Generating useful works for community development.
  4. Embodying internalization of local wisdom values in Three Pillars of Higher Education.
  5. Obtaining positive and productive results from cooperation with various institutions in regional, national, and international scale.
  6. Creating professional higher education management by international standard.